
Heart of Hope India

The children’s home ministry had its beginning in the 90’s with Lanka and his family sharing their lives with many impoverished children. The first home a small rented house was able  to provide for 40 children, and then a new children’s home was built , providing a place for over a 100 children. With this new home along with the addition of a second home they now provide for around 200 children. These children are cared for with food, clothing, shelter and love. The ages vary from 5 years old to 18 years. The mission provides 12 grades of school preparing the children for when they complete their schooling to get jobs and provide for themselves. The success of seeing these children come thru these homes and grow to love the Lord, complete their schooling, find jobs, some engineers,  nurses, sales clerks and get married, have families, really brings great joy to our hearts. It is also exciting to listen to the children share their stories and expressions of thanks for having this opportunity. This children’s mission is supported thru sponsorships of $50 per month per child and is open for sponsors.

Mission Statement

The purpose and goal of Heart of Hope India is to be obedient to The Lord Jesus Christ by committing ourselves to the Great Commission. 

 Our goal is to work with existing native Indian missionaries by raising funds through individuals, congregations and by business startups in India that will help to fund those mission outreaches.  

Statement of Faith         

  • We believe in one eternal God existing as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for the redemption of all mankind.

  • We believe that the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to all that have repented of their sins and by faith accepted the blood atonement of Jesus Christ by his death on the cross.

  • We believe that the Bible is the only inspired Word of God.